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, by Bruce R. Fenton

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Product details
File Size: 3460 KB
Print Length: 172 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Ancient News (April 7, 2017)
Publication Date: April 7, 2017
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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If I've got this right Fenton believes Homo Sapiens did evolve in Africa and then migrated out of the continent to Europe, Asia, and finally Australia. Along the way inbreeding happened with Neanderthals, Denisovans, and anybody else along the way. Fenton also believes that all Homos could successfully interbreed. But not everybody did. Some interbred only with Neanderthals and some only Denisovans. Unfortunately there was a great volcano eruption, the worst in 2.5 million years, and everybody was wiped out save the residents of Australia who in time migrated back through Asia, Europe, and into Africa. Okay this doesn't make any sense. Well it gets worse. Seems the folks living in Tierra del Fuego are remnants of the first migration into the Americas. And I think Fenton feels they are somehow related to those folks formerly called Bushmen and some others in Australia.Well I think that's his thesis. I can't substantiate it though because the writing is so convoluted that I finally used paper and pen to try following his jumbled and unreadable text. Incidentally there are only 124 pages in this self published book and no index. I certainly can understand why no publisher would touch it. Incidentally Fenton notes that there are physical differences between today's races, e.g. blood types and tooth shape but finishes with the broad generalization that we are one species and one race. Seems there are some leaps of logic here. Europeans have some Neanderthal genes but no Denisovan. Huh? So how did. . .oh well, I quit.This is just a really bad book. I urge the dear reader to save his (her) money.
An interesting book with an alternate human popul ation stort. I found it interesting, but the dots between the different points of evidence were unevenly connected leaving the impression that there were holes in the arguments. The genetic data, for example, is interesting, but not conpelling without being more complete. The thin data ww have has explanations that differ from tjose presented in the book. I expect there are many elements of this theory that will survive the coming years and the Modified out of Africa theory may turn into the out of Africa, then back in, then out again as we get more nuanced reads of DNA >100K years old. A good value for the money. I didn't change the cores of my views after reading this, but a number of details in the peopling of the world seem like they will undergo refinement in the next decade.
I really admire people who have the patience to go through humungous amounts of data, take a fresh look at it and write a book about it. People tend to get stuck with paradigms given to them at one stage or other that are not necessarily accurate, and then move on with their lives without looking back or giving the matter another thought, thinking that the issue is solved. The same can be said about so many other “facts†given to us by scientists in other fields. We must always keep an open mind and keep examining data, otherwise we will never really know what really took place on this planet. Theories are not solid facts and data can be interpreted one way or another depending on the institution or people that brainwashed you. In the past few years I have gone through a huge revision of thought due to researchers such as the one who compiled and researched this data. I really enjoyed reading this book and have already tried to challenge one or two archaeologists that I know. They were reluctant as expected (archaeologists tend to dig their feet into the ground and automatically refuse anything that may change or challenge their world view). I don’t call that science but fear, and unfortunately there’s a lot of that going around.
Read this book for a contrast to the 'Out of Africa' concept of Sapien domination. Very well researched, conceptually accurate. A good read.
I’ve witnessed a slew of paradigm shifts in my life and career. The rise of the Internet and Amazon’s decimation of bookstores and retail. The shift from Madison Avenue brand advertising to online ad auctions like Google and Facebook.The fall of Neo-Darwinism and the rise of the extended synthesis and systems biology, which is going on right now and is every bit as tectonic as Amazon and Google. The taxi industry being clobbered by Uber. Watching records give way to CDs which gave way to Spotify and online streaming. Now we’re watching fiat currencies get clobbered by cryptocurrencies.I remember the fall of the Berlin Wall and how fast the iron curtain fell during the following two years, noting that Marxism seems to be back in universities; and a new generation that seems eager to re-create the genocides and mayhem of 100 years ago.You can rewind 80 years and look at how Godel’s incompleteness theorem clobbered logical positivism in mathematics. You can also notice that logical positivism is still pretty fashionable among the New Atheists. Even though Godel proved it false in 1931.I’m a student of such revolutions and I study them closely. And this is to say nothing of the mini-revolutions that happen inside of various industries, noticed only by insiders. One example would be the revolution that happened in networking on factory floors in the late 90s. I’ve been involved in dozens of such paradigm shifts.Every one of these revolutions was spurred by an OUTSIDER. Jeff Bezos, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the founders of Uber; Sony and Phillips with the CD and then Spotify; the new powers that took over the communist bloc countries and Kurt Godel; none of these were part of the good old boys club that had been defending the status quo. The old guard fought them all - tooth and nail.The revolution in evolution right now is being driven by Denis Noble, a physiologist; James Shapiro, a geneticist and student of McClintock; neither he nor she ever bought into the usual dogmas; and people from a dozen different fields like semiotics, cybernetics and information theory. The Royal Society meeting in 2016 that announced the revolution in evolution was co-hosted by the British Academy (all participants from the BA being outside of evolutionary biology); all this was done in defiance of hostile resistance from old-school Neo-Darwinists, who fought it pretty much the same way the taxi bosses have been fighting Uber: not in the lab, not with proof and evidence, but in City Hall.So any time a book comes along and offers to upend a current paradigm, I’m inclined to pay attention.Now of course 80-90% of the people who write such books are cranks. But when someone does have a possibility of legitimacy, there are telltale signs. Bruce Fenton provides such signs when he says:“Wherever possible, we focus on peer-reviewed scientific papers based on research guided by solid protocols, in almost all cases the scientific sources I have used can be considered mainstream authorities. There are a few instances where non-academics are my sources, but only where they offer unique insight into research that is itself accepted by the scientific community. The revised view of human origins on offer here is so radical that I could not risk undermining it by using potentially questionable sources, even where such sources appeared to provide a genuine revelation which would support this work.â€That’s exactly what I looked for. When I began questioning the old-school interpretation of Darwinian evolution myself, I found that all the evidence I could possibly need to overturn the old paradigm was already available in huge abundance from the existing scientific literature. If you could do a search on Google Scholar and had some idea what you were looking for, you could find mountains of evidence.Many times all you needed was a different angle than everyone else inside the field. In my case for the book “Evolution 2.0†it was simply my background as a communication engineer and my professional experience with understand codes and coding systems. Aside from that it was possible to stick assiduously to well-confirmed, non-controversial facts to build the bricks of the case.It quickly became obvious that alternative models were available in abundance. Suddenly work by people like McClintock, Margulis, Jablonka etc came into sharp focus. And I found out those women were vigorously opposed by the good ol boys clubs; and because of this had been forced to articulate their views with great clarity and mountains of proof. (The most recent review paper in the journal "Biology" by James Shapiro has over 700 references. His 2011 book has 1100.) Lesson: Don't bring a knife to a gunfight.It seems that this is what Fenton has done. Now I must make the disclaimer that I am I have not studied anthropology or paleontology in detail and I’m NOT qualified to tell you whether Fenton is right or wrong. What I can tell you is that his approach is similar to other competent outsiders who critique academia with precision and care.A lot of people don’t seem to realize that because of the funding structures in science - with only a handful of organizations handing out almost all the money, and universities being intensely political places - that breaking lockstep with the majority is usually suicide for a scientist.Some people imagine scientists to be independent objective thinkers with generous luxuries of academic freedom. But scientists are human beings just like everyone else, subject to tribal behavior and prejudices. And because of the nature of peer review, where the “peers†are almost by definition defenders of some particular conservative status quo; because of tenure and funding; scientists therefore are subject to *enormous* peer pressure. Every scientist knows just how much they can afford to buck the system before they commit career suicide. If you’re going to break the paradigm you have to be of nearly rock-star quality. And it will probably take you 30 years to be taken seriously.The old adage “it’s not what you know it’s who you know†is even more true in science than it is even in business.Also what you will see with research scientist rock stars who have become “bulletproof†is that they display a markedly different stance towards traditional views. George Church from Harvard, for example, holds many views that differ from the mainstream, but he simply doesn’t care about the controversy because he has so many choices of projects and funding sources that it does not affect him. One can only admire the sense of detachment.So Fenton dares to ask the question: “When we examine hominids and neanderthals and genomes and skulls all over the world, does the evidence really tell a story that humans originated from Africa?â€His answer is a resounding “no.†They came primarily from Australasia. And they got to Africa in boats - later. And furthermore, humans developed in independent populations around the world and re-converged in later years, merging the strength of all those disparate evolutionary paths back into a single population which became modern humans.He carefully traces the logic that leads to these conclusions, citing many many papers and DNA analyses and dates, such that his argument in the end appeals to common sense.Now again I might change my mind if I were to hear him cross-examined by people who espouse the out of Africa view. I don’t know. But what I can say is he’s made his case well and he doesn’t appear to be making anything up or stringing stuff together with duct tape.I do have a few criticisms. My 13 year old asked me to summarize the case he makes in the book and I had some difficulty doing it. Or course this could be my fault, but bullet point summaries piecing the key touchstones of evidence together at the end of various chapters would be helpful - especially if it was reduced to rock-solid essentials.The book has no graphics. Some pictorial diagrams or info graphics could be immensely helpful in simplifying the arguments. One has no difficulty imagining a power point slide that shows progressive layers of history, making Fenton’s arguments crystal clear and immediately persuasive.I also think the book is a little light in explaining the larger implications of changing the theory. Anytime theories like this shift, there are huge dominoes. Historical, philosophical and technological. I’m not clear what they are but I’m sure they are there. I also felt like I lacked understanding in what his personal story was. Something led him to do all this and feel it was important, and it’s probably not just the abstract truth. What was the motivation?It’s is often said that science proceeds one funeral at a time. It will be interesting to see how this new model fares over time, and what tables of money changers it may overturn.
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